
Read the MOOCs4D Conference Report


Building Global Capacity in Digital Information Resources: Creation, Sharing, and Use

Kimberly Parker, Mary Ochs, Robert Cronin
Moderator: Martha Brogran
April 11, 2014

Panel Session: Blended Learning and Innovative Instruction

Jennifer DeBoer, Leda Munoz, Deirdre Woods, Chrystina Russell
Moderator: Bobbi Kurshan
April 11, 2014

Panel Session: Global Health

Rebecca Stoeckle, Ryan Litman-Quinn, Karen Charron
Moderator: Carrie Kovarik
April 11, 2014

Panel Session: MOOCs and Higher Education Institutions

Libing Wang, Gayle Christensen, Abdellatif Miraoui
Moderator: Laura Perna
April 11, 2014

Panel Session: Expanding Inclusion

Masennya Dikotla, Minghua Li, Barbara Moser-Mercer, Driss Ouaouicha
Moderator: Rebecca Clothey
April 11, 2014.

Panel Session: K-12 Teacher Professional Development

John MacBeath, Gard Titlestad, Freda Wolfenden
Moderator: Michelle Neuman
April 11, 2014

Panel Session: Authorship and Ownership

Edward Rock, Candice Reimers, Maureen McClure
Moderator: Robert Gregoire
April 11, 2014

Overcoming Digital Infrastructural Constraints

Mamadou Adj, Jamie Alexandre, Mpine Makoe
Moderator: Michael Best
April 11, 2014.

Plenary Session I: The Advent of MOOCS

Abdul Waheed Khan, Bakary Diallo, Michelle Petochi
Moderator: Joseph Sun
April 11, 2014

Plenary Session II: Papa Youga Dieng, Sandra Klopper, Steven Duggan

Moderator: Mohammed Maamouri
April 11, 2014

Plenary Session III: The MOOCS Challenge

Stephen Downes, N.V. Varghese, Russel Beale
Moderator: Dan Wagner
April 11, 2014

Conference Presentation Slides (PDFs)

by Nguyen Hoi Nghia

by Papa Youga Dieng

by Nodumo Dhlamini

by Bakary Diallo 

by Minghua Li

by Masennya Dikotla 

by Steven Duggan 

by Gayle Christensen 

by Michele Petochi 

by Chrystina Russell 

by Clara Ng 

by Libing Wang 

by Michele Rimini 

by Jamie Alexandre 

by Ryan Littman-Quinn 

"Quality online education:Bringing Educational Resources For Teachers in Africa - BERTA"
by Gard Titlestad 

"MOOCs, Library Resources, and Students in the Developing World"
by Kimberly Parker 

"Using Mobile Phones to Overcome Infrastructural Constraints"
by Mpine Makoe

by Stephen Downes

by Sandra Klopper

by Turbat Renchin

by Freda Wolfenden