About MOOCs4D

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is greatly expanding capacity to meet the growing demand for educational and learning content worldwide. Many of the world's leading higher education institutions are attempting to enable access to high quality education for people around the world, including the disadvantaged and under-served. To date, however, the MOOC movement has paid insufficient attention to the reality of needs in the developing world.

The MOOCs4D International Invitational Conference will bring together scholars, policy makers, program officers, administrators, and technologists from the education and international development sectors. The main goal is to better understand the dynamics surrounding this situation, and deliberate on solutions and action plans that will enable MOOCs to serve the development needs of resource-poor communities of learners – those at the "bottom of the pyramid."

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2015 Upcoming Conference

Please to see information on the next MOOCs4D conference to be held in conjunction with the ICDE Conference in Sun City, South Africa on 13-16 October 2015.

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The 2014 Conference was a great success! View conference videos, power points, and the conference report on our media page.

Visit the Media Page

The MOOCs4D Conference Report is Here!